Braces & Appliances
in Hawthorn

Orthodontic Braces & Appliances

There are many different types of appliance and braces options to help achieve a beautiful,straight smile.

Appliance therapy is a vital part of early intervention treatment, during orthodontic treatment and for maintaining your smile after treatment.

Braces technology has vastly improved over the years with current generation brackets being quite small and more comfortable..

Braces and orthodontics kids and adults hawthorn

Types of Orthodontic Appliances

Removable orthodontic appliances expander

There are many types of orthodontic appliances utislised in orthodontics including:

  • Expanders - these help widen a narrow upper jaw by aplying gentle pressure to the upper molars.
  • Growth modification devices - these help encourage growth of the jaws.
  • Parafunction devices - these help stop parafunctional habits such as digit sucking.

Types of braces

Metal Braces

Metal braces are a great option for most young patients. As a bonus, they straighten your teeth, improve your smile, help you look your best and boost your confidence..

They are compact (smaller and flatter), affordable and can be decorated with different coloured elastics.

You can straighten your teeth, improve your smile, look your best, feel good and NOT BREAK THE BANK.

Metal braces hawthorn melbourne

Ceramic/Clear Braces

Next generation ceramic brackets are revolutionary as they are small, strong, comfortable and discreet.

Made from a ceramic material, they can blend in more with your natural tooth colour providing a more attractive alternative to traditional metal braces.

They are designed to be stain resistant so you won’t suffer the embarrassment of discoloured braces.

They do not stain the surface of the teeth, leaving you with a beautifully bright smile after the treatment has ended.

ceramic clear braces hawthorn melbourne

Dr Carolyn's Pro-Tip: Braces/Treatment Options

Dr. Carolyn offers the full range of treatment options available for her patients so they can choose a treatment modality that can straighten their teeth discreetly and effectively, as well as making them feel comfortable and wanting to smile.

  • Metal Braces
  • Clear Braces
  • Clear Aligners/Invisalign
  • Lingual/Hidden Braces
Orthodontist melbourne hawthorn

The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek advice from a dental professional. the world smiles with you

Smile Hawthorn

About Us

At Smile Hawthorn, we see the beauty in every smile, and we aim to provide the highest levels of care to our patients, so they always smile their biggest and brightest.

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